Friday, March 5, 2021

Taekwondo! Yay!


On the 26th of Feb, Adsett class made their way to the hall to attend their very first lesson of the year in Taekwondo.

We were very lucky to have the instructor back at our school. Few students recognized her as she was their instructor when they were juniors. Students learnt how to throw fists in the air; as they did that they made a sound. It sounded like a snake "Sssssssssssssss", they made this sound every time they threw a punch. Later the instructor corrected the students that the sound should be a fast "SOUP". I found this very interesting.

Here are some pictures of our sessions.

Welcome to 2021!

Welcome back to 2021!

This is our first post of the year.

Welcome to all our new students who have joined the Adsett class, we look forward to a fun and exciting year.

This year our digital learning class will be called Adsett Class. We have been named after an artist called Dr Sandy Adsett. He is a revered New Zealand artist and painter with experience in carving, weaving, costume and stage design. His immense career in Māori visual arts and education has seen him train many of Aotearoa’s celebrated Māori artists. You will find his work across Aotearoa in many places such as art museums, churches and government venues.